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Assistive Technology
What is Assistive Technology
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
AT can be low-tech: communication boards made of cardboard or fuzzy felt.
AT can be high-tech: special-purpose computers.
AT can be hardware: mounting systems, and positioning devices.
AT can be computer hardware: special switches, keyboards, and pointing devices.
AT can be computer software: screen readers and communication programs.
AT can be much more—electronic devices, wheelchairs, walkers, braces, educational software, power lifts, pencil holders, eye-gaze and head trackers, and much more.
Assistive technology helps people who have difficulty speaking, typing, writing, remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing, learning, walking, and many other things. Different disabilities require different assistive technologies.
Who to Contact
If you have assistive technology needs, you can contact Andrea Wichers (awichers@usd489.com) or Jennifer Sullivan (jsullivan@usd489.com) for assistance.
Infinitec is a great resource for assistive technology needs. Log in at https://www.myinfinitec.org/login
To set up an account:
Go to www.myinfinitec.org
Click Register
Screenname – first initial last name 489 – kcarlin489
Email – Use 489 email address
District – Type Hays and select Hays-USD 489
Digital Text Resources
Intro to Text to Speech
Intro to Speech to Text/Speech Recognition
Read and Write
Video Links - Training Videos that show various tools available with Read and Write
Student Training Checklist - Google Chrome Extension
Benefits and Implications - Google Chrome Extension
AudioMaker in Read and Write – Here is a video and a handout from Andrea Wichers on how to use AudioMaker in Read and Write. Contact Andrea for all your assistive technology needs.
PDF - Read and Write Laptop QR Support Document
Snap and Read
PDF - Snap and Read Handout with QR Code for Use with Laptops
Read-Aloud a PDF Shared to Seesaw on Ipad
Read-Aloud a PDF Shared to Canvas
PAR/UPAR Scripted Intro - Share this with kids when giving the assessment.
PDF - Read and Write and Snap and Read QR Supports