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WeKan Cornerstone is the foundation of our work. Cornerstone represents the responsibilities that come with being a professional educator. Simply put, professionalism is doing what is need, when it is needed. Legal and ethical obligations fall under the Cornerstone, as does working as part of a team, meeting deadlines, communicating respectfully, and continuous personal improvement.
Professional Success Podcasts - A collection of podcasts from Manager Tools and Career Tools that share actions you can take to ensure professional success.
Ethics in Special Education - CEC Code of Ethics for special educators
Special Education Process Handbook - KSDE Guidance on special education legal responsibilities related to eligibility, IEPs, and other special education processes.
EPIC Case Management and Communication focuses on the responsibilities that come with working with families, students, and the school team. These responsibilities include clear and timely communication, following procedural guidelines, ensuring plans are being followed as expected, managing paraeducators, and leading effective meetings.
EPIC Parent Communication - Guidance on what EPIC is and how it applies to the work you do.
Managing Your Team Podcasts - A collection of podcasts from Manager Tools that highlight key things you can do to manage your team better.
IEP Meeting Toolkit - A collection of documents and checklists that will help you organize and run your meetings.
Specialized Instruction is what makes special education different from general education. Specialized instruction is a collection of strategies that modify or adapt the instruction, curriculum, or environment for a student in a way that is not sustainable by general education.
Considerations for Specially Designed Instruction - KSDE guidance related to specially designed instruction.
Specially Designed Instruction - A Resource for Teachers - Guidance developed by the Texas Education Agency about specially designed instruction.
High Leverage Practices - Instruction - Evidence-based instructional practices that are effective in special education.
Meaningful Assessment means choosing assessment tools that will provide the most relevant information. It also means using that information to determine if the strategies being used are working as expected, or are changes needed. Meaningful assessment starts with a clear question that you hope to answer.
FastBridge Assessments - Link to the FastBridge Assessment System that can be used for reading and math for students K-12.
High Leverage Practices - Assessment - A collection of assessment practices that are shown to have an impact on student growth and development.
Using Assessment in Instruction - Article discussing the use of assessment to inform instruction
STOIC Behavior Management focuses on the variables that we can control that can improve student behavior. STOIC is relevant at the classroom and building level, or at the individual student level. Behavior interventions are usually a ramping up of one or more of the STOIC variables, so it is important to understand what STOIC stands for.
S - Structure for Success - Structure represents the things you do that bring consistency and predictability to your classroom or intervention. Structure includes physical aspects of the classroom such as arrangement of the room, visual reminders of expectations, visual schedules, and consequence systems. Structure also includes things like attention signals, norms, routines, daily schedules, and anything else that helps students know what will happen next.
T - Teach Expectations - Teaching expectations is important because every adult in a school may have different expectations of a student, and it is unfair to expect the student to know these different expectations. If it is unclear if students know what they should do in a situation, we must take the time to explicitly teach them.
O - Observe and Monitor - Observation of an individual changes the behaviors they are comfortable participating in. In most cases, increased supervision leads to more pro-social behaviors that are closer to the posted expectations. In addition to increased active supervision, observe and monitor also applies to reviewing of data related to the expected and problem behaviors to determine what needs to change or continue.
I - Interacting Positively - Interacting positively is a necessity in all school settings. Student-teacher relationships have a huge impact on student performance, and relationships get stronger through the quantity and the quality of the interactions. Quantity means interacting with the student often. Quality means interacting with the student about the things they do well and the things that matter to them. We are so sensitive to negative behaviors, that it is essential that we intentionally notice the positives. For all students we should have a positive to negative ratio of 3 to 1. For students with behavior and social emotional needs, we should have a ratio much higher.
C - Correcting Fluently - No matter what we do, we cannot prevent all inappropriate behavior from occurring. Because of this, we must have a plan for responding to common behaviors. By planning, we are able to remain calm, and can respond in a way that is more likely to get future behavior change. In addition to corrections of misbehavior, this section also covers the consequences that are given out when behavior is repeated or egregious.
PBIS World - A collection of behavior interventions that are known to be effective with a wide range of student behavior.
Intervention Central - A collection of behavior interventions
Basic FBA to BIP - Training modules on more intensive behavior interventions.