HHS Math Relay Team was recognized at the BOE mtg for placing 1st out of 40 schools totaling approx. 700 students at the 2019 FHSU Math Relays!
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
HHS Mathletes
The Hays High Chess Club took 1st place at the Wichita Chess Tournament. Sheena Zeng placed 1st overall, Noah Bruggerman placed 9th, and Japeth Briney placed 10th. Coached by Erin Holder. Other Members the Chess Club are: Raiden Hartman, Sydney Walker and Jonathan Garner.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
Chess team
The HHS "ACHIEVE Team" was recognized for its efforts at the BOE mtg. on Monday 11-18-19. The Achieve Team promotes a safe, civil and respectful school environment for all students and staff.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
Achieve team
Mr. Alex Underwood and the members of the HHS Musical Cast of “Anything Goes” were recognized for their amazing performances this year at the BOE mtg.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
HHs Musical Cast members
The HHS Girls' Golf Team and Taleia McCrae, who medaled finishing in 12th place @ the 5A State Golf Tournament in Emporia on October 23 were recognized at the BOE mtg. on Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
HHS Girls' Golf team
English II students working on their paper bag poetry as part of the Holocaust unit.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Ackerman
Dalton's poetry
table 6
Hays High Knitting Club working on scarves for Kansas Special Olympics winter athletes
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Ackerman
Madison & Sydney
HHS ElectroRally wins 6th State Championship
almost 5 years ago, Chris Dinkel
Kansas ElectroRally State Championship Races
#320 Car Race Crew
#120 Race Car
2019 HHS ElectroRally Team
Incredible performance by our truly talented Hays HS students directed by Mr. Alex Underwood. Congratulations on a job very well done on this year’s musical “Anything Goes”! Thanks to everyone who was a part this successful performance.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
HHS musical, Anything Goes.
W HHS musical, Anything Goes.
HHS musical, Anything Goes.
HHS musical, Anything Goes.
Our ♟ Chess Team ♟ went down to Wichita yesterday for a meet. This was the largest meet we have ever been to.. And we took 1st!! 🏆 Senior Sheena Zeng placed 1st overall, Freshman Noah Bruggeman placed 9th, and Junior Japheth Briney placed 10th! Way to go guys!! GO INDIANS!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
almost 5 years ago, HHS Library
HHS Chess Team ♟
Some of the super cool Black Out Poetry on display in the Library from Mrs. Renz freshman class! Beautiful!! ❤️📝🖊📖🖍🖤
almost 5 years ago, HHS Library
Black Out Poetry 🖤
Black Out Poetry 🖤
Black Out Poetry 🖤
Black Out Poetry 🖤
Hays High School is looking forward to hosting the 37th Annual Gerald Mitchell Hays City Shootout on December 5th-7th. This year's tournament features 8 boys' and 8 girls' teams, halftime entertainment, and 3 days of great high school basketball at the HHS and HMS gyms!
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
2019 Hays City Shootout Bracket
Senior Mathletes Carson Ackerman, Lynsie Hansen, Nathan Erbert, Taylor Weidenhaft with the championship plaque.
almost 5 years ago, Jerett Pfannenstiel
Senior Mathletes
HHS Mathletes take 1st at FHSU Math Relays!!!! Back-2-back champions!
almost 5 years ago, Jerett Pfannenstiel
HHS Mathletes, champions again!  Back-2-back champs!
Congratulations to Marie Reveles, HHS graduate and current KSU student. Go Indian alum!
almost 5 years ago, Martin Straub
HHS Grad Reveles
National Foreign Language Honor Society members helping Hays Christian Church with packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Way to Represent HHS and FLHS!!
almost 5 years ago, Lora Gallegos- Haynes mis clases
Hays Christian Church and FLHS
FLHS helping Hays Christian Church with Operation Christmas Child
almost 5 years ago, Lora Gallegos- Haynes FLHS
Foreign Language Honor Society Operation Christmas Child
almost 5 years ago, Lora Gallegos- Haynes mis clases
FLHS helping Hays Christian Church fill 218 Shoe boxes to help children who many never receive a gift for Christmas
Thanks to everybody who donated blood yesterday at the HHS blood drive.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
Mr. Winter donating blood.
There is still time to come donate blood for the blood drive!! Every little bit counts 👍🏼🚑💉
almost 5 years ago, Erin Holder
Mr. Winter and I giving blood 💉