HHS Summer Weights/Workout notification: Due to recent changes in the Governor's Reopening of KS COVID-19 Plan, the start date for the HHS Summer Weights and Sports workout programs has been moved to Monday, June 8th. We will update the daily schedule to reflect the change and post on the HHS website. The Summer workout registration form can be accessed at the following link: http://www.hayshighindians.com/Athletics/Athletic%20Documents/SummerSPSRegistration_2021.pdf
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Hays HS Summer Weightlifting and Workout schedule will begin June 1st. Click on the link to access the schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_hSvPsd7xwaJxm48EHPE9rRKgm11QnxQuktvvcnRHlU/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
HHS Summer weights.
Hays HS Computer Drop Off: 5:00-7:00pm tonight 5-13-20 in the Main gym for students of all grades who weren't able to come at the previously designated dates and times. Enter through the main gym doors.
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Freshman parents and freshman students: The drop-off has been moved to Gym A today 5-13-20 from 1:00-4:00 pm today. Please enter through the Main Gym entrance doors and look for the signs for your drop off line.
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Information about the USD 489 Summer Meals Program:
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Summer Meals Info
Summer meals info Spanish
The Indians’ new ride has arrived!
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
New bus
Free meals start Monday, April 27th at 11:30 am.
over 4 years ago, Martin Straub
As our volunteers were helping serve 610 lunches and 610 breakfasts today at HHS, a generous patron donated 33 - $25 Walmart gift cards for the HHS Food Pantry. Why do people say that Hays, KS is a good place to raise a family? Just one appreciated example! Go Indians!!
over 4 years ago, Martin Straub
Information about Free Drive up Meals and locations in USD 489:
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Drive up meals
AVAILABLE NOW FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS ONLY: Student/Parent Tech Help Desk is 785-621-8999, monitored 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday excluding holidays/breaks. Leave a message with student name, building, grade, a brief description of the issue, and a callback number. Personal device issues will not be addressed.
over 4 years ago, Hays High School
Hays HS students/parents: One more opportunity to pick up PE/Locker Items TODAY, Wed., April 1st, 5:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the STAFF PARKING LOT (HHS back parking lot)-SEE ATTACHED MAP. Last opportunity to pick up. We hope you’re doing well! We miss having you here!
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
Pickup Map
JoAnn VonFeldt and her nutrition staff at Hays High are a blessing. Served 392 lunches and 392 breakfasts in one hour today. All kids ages 1-18, come join us tomorrow 11:30-12:30. ALL meals cost $0. Go Indians!
almost 5 years ago, Martin Straub
Help spread the word!
almost 5 years ago, Martin Straub
Please fill out the following survey as it will help in planning for school closures due to COVID-19. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=94UWZhZ47ECINHQtXXKlDfrLY5waI85AuDZEsUgwK3RUN1hUUlRPTjFIRE42U1FGUVBQSURIT1dETy4u
almost 5 years ago, USD 489
The Student Led Conferences scheduled for today and tomorrow are cancelled. We hope we are able to reschedule.
almost 5 years ago, Martin Straub
As per the notification, no practices will take place from March 16-22.
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School
Please click the link and answer the survey question regarding possible Hays USD 489 curbside lunch pickup during the week of March 16-20. https://tinyurl.com/rhotfsz
almost 5 years ago, USD 489
Happy Birthday Mrs Prough and thankful you for your 26 years of service at Hays High. Happy 25th, if course. Go Indians!
almost 5 years ago, Martin Straub
Wagoner's and Ackerman's juniors exploring Vietnam through VR.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Ackerman
vr- Thank you Nex-Tech Wireless for the phone donations to do VR!
KSHSAA has decided to cancel the State tourneys after tonights games due to the Corona virus concerns. https://twitter.com/kshsaa/status/1238277117298855941?s=21
almost 5 years ago, Hays High School