Click on the name of a FLEX or book study to learn more and determine if it will meet your professional learning needs. If so, please click the Frontline Sign Up next to the name to register.
Also check out the Infinitec Modules and/or Out-of-District learning opportunities. Registration and any other requirements for those activities is the responsibility of the participant. Enter those in Frontline using the New PDC Knowledge Form.
Opportunities to Respond - Frontline Sign Up
Hyperdocs/Choice Boards - Frontline Sign Up
Utilizing High-Impact Instructional Strategies to Boost Engagement - Frontline Sign Up
Join us at Rockwell to collaborate around your learning from these FLEXs on Thursday, June 22 at 10:15-11:15 am (Frontline Sign Up) or Monday, July 17 at 2:15-3:15 pm (Frontline Sign Up).
Learn more about what's required to earn PDCs with FLEX here!
Infinitec Modules*
Student Attendance and Engagement
Classroom Strategies to Increase Engagement Series:
Session 1: Let's Build Community
Session 2: Let’s Get Them Chatting
Session 3: Let Them Share Their Learning
*Unfamiliar with Infinitec? To sign up for Infinitec, go to www.myinfinitec.org/login. Click Register and create an account using your school email address. The SPED Coop pays for these accounts so all district certified staff members can access these modules for free.
You must create an account before following the Infinitec links above.
Out-of-District Opportunities
Greenbush University (Free Virtual Sessions)
AI Tools for the Classroom (June 5 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Why & How Digital Assignments in the Classroom (June 6 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Secondary Science Sensemaking Routines (June 9 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Websites That Teachers Need to Know About (June 13 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Creativity in the Classroom (June 15 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Collaborate, Communicate, & Engage with EdTech (July 5 at 9:00-11:00 am)
Smoky Hill Education Service Center (Paid by Participant)