Out-of-District Opportunities
These professional learning opportunities at your own cost (though some are free). Click a title to access the registration page and learn more about the event:
Infinitec Modules
The following modules align with the district action plan and are free to certified staff members in USD 489 and WCKSEC. To sign up for Infinitec, go to www.myinfinitec.org/login. Click Register and create an account using your school email address. You must complete this part before following the Infinitec links below.
Restorative Practices: Engaged in Possibilities, Part 1
Restorative Practices: Engaged in Possibilities, Part 2
Trauma Informed Educations, Part 1
Trauma Informed Educations, Part 2
ASD Evidence Based Practices for Autism, Session 1: What are EBPs for Autism
ASD Evidence Based Practices for Autism, Session 2: FBAs and Behavior Supports
ASD Evidence Based Practices for Autism, Session 3: Social Communication
Evidence Based Practice in Reading
Leveraging UDL for Students with Complex Needs – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
UDL is Where It’s At – Making Inclusion Work with Related Service Providers
Students on the Autism Spectrum in the General Education Classroom
Adaptations for the General Education Classroom
Adaptations for Students with Learning Disabilities
Digital Text: Making it Accessible for All
Restorative Practices: Engaged in Possibilities, Part 1
Restorative Practices: Engaged in Possibilities, Part 2
Trauma Informed Educations, Part 1
Trauma Informed Educations, Part 2
Teaming for Success: Strategies for Teacher-Paraeducator Collaboration
Student Attendance and Engagement
Classroom Strategies to Increase Engagement Series:
Session 1: Let's Build Community
Session 2: Let’s Get Them Chatting
Session 3: Let Them Share Their Learning
Five in Ten: Data-Based Decision Making for Teachers
Smart Data, Safe Students: Harnessing Data While Protecting Student Privacy
Five in Ten: Building a Structured Classroom
Five in Ten: Sensory and Behavior Approaches in the Classroom
Implementing the Five Non-Negotiables in the Early Childhood Classroom
FHSU Events
May 16-17 OR June 20-21: Structured Literacy Application & Practice for Early Childhood & Intervention (Wichita or Online Synchronous - $745, but grants are available)
June 18-19: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Online Workshop, $75 Event with graduate credit available for additional costs at $80 per credit hour)
June 25-27: Leveraging the Science of Reading for Optimal Science Instruction (Online Workshop, $75 Event with graduate credit available for additional costs at $80 per credit hour)
July 15-19: STEM PD for Teachers (FHSU Campus, Free Event or graduate credit is available for $80 per credit hour)
Seesaw Connect 2024
August 2-3: Seesaw Connect (Free event, online)
Kansas Education Service Center Events
June 3-5: Educator’s Recharge Retreat (Tipton, KS - Free Event)
June 5-7: Educator’s Recharge Retreat (Tipton, KS - Free Event)
June 11: Classroom Management Series 1 Bootcamp (Hays - Free Event)
June & July: Greenbush University - Free, online webinars on a variety of topics for teachers and certified support staff.
KSDE Events
June 3: Corwin & Visible Learning (John Hattie Keynote, Topeka $300 registration)
June 10 & 11: KSDE Teacher Workshops (Multiple sessions, so keep scrolling down in the file to see additional information. All sessions are free, but held in Wichita.)
June 11 OR 18: Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons (K-2nd grade, Zoom, free - scroll down to the Summer PL-Elementary heading to find the information and registration Link)
June 12 OR 19: Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons (3rd-5th grade, Zoom, free - scroll down to the Summer PL-Elementary heading to find the information and registration Link)
Digital Promise - Paid opportunities. Please scroll down and click "Launch Explorer" to find a micro-credential that fits your professional learning needs.
NEA Micro-credentials - Free for HNEA members
TASN Events
June 6: Playful Learning Across the Day in Pre-K: Best Strategies to Build Important Foundations (Salina)
June 11: Intro to Teach Self-Efficacy (K-2) (Zoom)
June 11: Intro to Teaching Assertiveness (K-2) (Zoom)
June 12: Intro to Teach Self-Efficacy (3-6) (Zoom)
June 12: Intro to Teaching Assertiveness (3-6) (Zoom)
June 13: Intro to Teach Self-Efficacy (7-12) (Zoom)
June 13: Intro to Teaching Assertiveness (7-12) (Zoom)
July 30 & 31: Trauma-Responsive School Community: Facilitation Workshop (Overland Park)
Featured Opportunity
Click on the Kansas Math Proficiency Project graphic above to access additional information.
In-District Opportunities
Click the Book Studies graphic above to access information about each study available!
Click on the FLEX graphic above to access our current list of FLEXs and learn how to complete them for
Knowledge PDC, Application PDC, or Graduate Credit.