Government Surplus Commodities will be distributed in Hays at:
Unite Common Grounds Coffee House and Free Store (Inside The Gamers Guild) 200 E 8th Street in Hays, KS Friday, March 27th from 7:00AM-9:00AM and 12:30PM-1:30PM if supplies allow. Clients may only get commodities at one of these distribution times, and commodities will distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Doors will not open until 7:00AM and 12:30PM, respectively.
To be eligible for commodities, your household's total monthly income must be below: $1,354 Household of one $1,832 Household of two $2,311 Household of three $2,790 Household of four $3,269 Household of five $3,748 Household of six $4,227 Household of seven $4,705 Household of eight
Contact Brandon Nimz, Unite Ministry Leader with any questions at 785-259-2539. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Commodities this distribution will be: black beans, canned pears, fresh apples, garbanzo beans, fresh oranges, split peas, dried cherries, raisins, frozen pork loin, frozen sliced ham, frozen pork chops, frozen corn, frozen fruit juice, and fresh potatoes. Future commodity distribution times will be posted at: (
Viernes de comida gratis, ¡no te lo pierdas!
Cuándo: 27 de marzo
Dónde: Unite Common Grounds Coffee House y Free Store: está dentro de The Gamers Guild
Dirección: 200 E. 8th Street en Hays, KS
Hora: 7: 00-9: 00AM y 12:30 PM-1:30PM. (Los clientes solo pueden obtener productos en uno de estos momentos).
Artículos alimenticios: frijoles negros, peras enlatadas, manzanas frescas, garbanzos, naranjas frescas, arvejas, cerezas secas, pasas, lomo de cerdo congelado, jamón en lonchas congelado, chuletas de cerdo congeladas, maíz congelado, jugo de fruta congelado y papas frescas.
Elegibilidad: El ingreso mensual total de su hogar debe ser inferior:
$ 1,354 Hogar de uno
$ 1,832 Hogar de dos
$ 2,311 Hogar de tres
$ 2,790 Hogar de cuatro
$ 3,269 Hogar de cinco
$ 3,748 Hogares de seis
$ 4,227 Hogar de siete
$ 4,705 Hogar de ocho
Póngase en contacto con Brandon Nimz, Líder de Unite Ministry con cualquier pregunta al 785-259-2539.
Hays Commodity Distribution - Unite

Food Commodities Information
March 25, 2020