Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night Info:
6th Grade Parent Information Night
Date: March 2, 2021
Parent Information 6:30 – 7:30
Location: Hays Middle School GYM
(Due to COVID and the need to socially distance, we are asking that each student have no
n no more than 2 parents/guardians attend. This night is ONLY for
PARENTS! All students will visit in April or May with their 5th grade class.)

This week is National School Counseling Appreciation Week!
Our school counselors are among the best!!

It's Friday!
We hope you have a great weekend!
Keep washing your hands and wearing your mask!

Due to the weather the BOE meeting scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.
Next meeting is February 8th.
Stay safe.

Due to the forecast of snow this evening, there will be no school tomorrow, January 25th.
Go play in the snow!

It's Friday!
Wear your mask...wash your hands and laugh!!!

Calendar Business:
Change in USD #489's District Calendar!!
Due to in-service training needs for the district staff, Monday, Feb. 15th (President’s Day) will now be a No School- Teacher Inservice day.
Classes will not be held that day for students. See the updated calendar here...

It's Thursday!!!
Know that you are important and make a difference.
Wear a mask ...and march right into the day!

Kindergarten Business..
Parents of incoming kindergarten students..follow the link below.

HMS Basketball Business.
Links to watch today's games:
8th grade: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KjkPmPbMdWk
7th grade: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8_YwWTIv_So

It's Tuesday!
You can make today better...start out thinking positive!

Today is an important day in history.
Think of a way to improve your world.
Smile a bit more today.
Find the good.

It's Friday!!!! All Day!! Be HAPPY!
And boy howdy is it a tiny bit windy out there!
Wear your mask and wash your hands! Make sure if you are not feeling well that you stay home.

Seen Around USD #489:
Follow this link for a cool event at ECC..

Seen Around USD #489:
The Learning Center has moved to a new location...
Check out the update...

It's Thursday!!
Enjoy your day!!
Wear a mask, wash your hands and if you don't feel well ...stay home and rest!

Seen Around USD #489:
Martin Straub, Hays High principal, has been selected as the State KMEA (Kansas Music Educators Association) Honor Administrator of the Year.
This prestigious award was presented at the HHS Winter Concert January 11 by the KMEA state President, Gae Phillips. Mr. Straub has shown consistently through his words and deeds that he values a fine arts education as an integral part of a student’s education.
Straub had previously won the NW KMEA District Honor Administrator of the Year.

Seen Around USD #489:
Check out the latest Teaching & Learning Blog post ...

Seen Around USD #489:
Check out this news article about USD 489...

It's Wednesday! Make it a little wacky!
Enjoy the weather today!
Wear a mask & wash your hands!