Getting to Know USD #489: Learn a little about Dana Stanton.. 1. What is your title at USD #489? Connections Outreach and Grants Coordinator 2. How long have you been with our district? 15 years 3. What is your favorite non-healthy food? A Sonic vanilla, diet coke with strawberry and lots and lots of ice. The extra ice is important. 😉 4. If you had to use one color of crayon forever..what color would you use and why? I’ve always said red is my favorite color, but if I were limited to one it would be green. Green reminds of cool Colorado meadows with the smell of pine in the air. 5. What is your favorite thing about working for USD #489? My favorite part is my Connections family. Whatever our job description, we are all dedicated to helping our children and family be the best that they can be. 6. On a typical day at work….what do you do? There is no typical day. At the beginning of the month I will be working with spreadsheets and my adding machine preparing monthly grant budget transaction forms. They are painstaking and nitpicky, but I love the challenge of making everything balance. I supervise the Parents as Teacher program, so I may be meeting with staff or completing a required grant report. During the school year, I oversee our seven FHSU work study students who work in our classrooms and office. In recent years I have taken an active role in communicating the successes and needs of our program. I often design flyers, ads and make posts on FB and our district website. Finally, I write grants. Some are small and only require a few minutes. Some are large and complex and require monthly reports and follow-up. I am not a teacher and am rarely in a classroom, but I know that my talents (like so many others district employees) play a supporting role in the success of our program. 7. Describe yourself in 3 words. Tenacious, Competent and Caring 8. What is your favorite non-work activity? Many favorites: piano, genealogy, quilting, reading and of course being with my family. 9. Travel bucket list…where would you go if you could anywhere? Machu Picchu 10. Random facts about yourself? I am wife to Andy, mother to Jackson, Gracie Jo and Gabriel. I love to speak to large groups and on camera, but am uncomfortable one-on-one with people. I hate pineapple.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Dana Stanton
Getting to Know USD #489: Get to know Hays High School Principal ...Martin (Marty) Straub... 1. What is your title at USD #489? Hays High School Principal 2. How long have you been with our district? 2020-2021 will be my 27th year at Hays High School 3. What is your favorite pizza topping? Supreme 4. If you had to use one color of crayon for the rest of your life, what color would it be? Purple. I’m not red or blue… rather, a combination based on topic / policy. 5. What is your favorite thing about working for USD #489? Our kids are so darn friendly, respectful, and hard- working and we are able to hire and retain outstanding teachers and support staff in USD 489; this is the most important job responsibility I have. Our people are folks you want to be around… they’re community-centered! 6. On a typical day at work….what do you do? I constantly look forward thinking about how can I improve so others can improve; how can we continue to improve our school to benefit kids and their families. It’s not good enough to perform to the best of my ability, I am responsible for the performance of all HHS employees. It’s not about me, it’s about the performance of our staff and students… what can I do to maximize our school’s performance. 7. Describe yourself in 3 words. Honest. Dedicated. Ethical. 8. What is your favorite board game? None, but love to play the card games 5, 10, or 13 point “pitch” 9. Travel bucket list…where would you go if you could anywhere? The Basílica de la Sagrada Família in Barcelona, Spain 10. Random facts about yourself? I’m the 9th of 10 Straub kids. I’m married to Mary (Bruggeman) Straub for 36 years and we have three daughters: Stacia (husband Matt) Cartlidge (HHS 2005 graduate), Allie (husband Justin) Murray (HHS 2009 Graduate), & Arin Straub (2013 graduate). We have two grandsons, Hudson and Cohen. Between Mary and my daughters/husbands, we have 9 degrees from FHSU… Go Tigers! Prior to Hays High School, was associate principal at Derby High School, Athletic Director at Kapaun Mount Carmel Catholic High School (KMC), and a teacher/coach (football, wrestling, track) at KMC. I love to hunt and own two registered American Brittanies, Sage and Kady.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Marty Straub
Getting to Know USD #489: Our first introduction is... Daphne Brown. What is your title at USD #489? K-2 Special Education teacher at Lincoln How long have you been with our district? 5 years What is your favorite pizza topping? Veggies. Mushrooms and spinach for sure! If you had to use one color of crayon for the rest of your life, what color would it be? Yellow What is your favorite thing about working for USD #489? My boss and coworkers and the level of warmth and comfort I feel each day at work. On a typical day at work….what do you do? I get to work around 7:15, check my emails, ensure I have materials around for all of my kiddos and groups. I use many materials and manipulatives each day for many different instructional levels, so my desk is always super cluttered, no matter how organized I try to be! I then usually go to kindergarten rooms and help a few minutes then bring a kindergarten group into my classroom for instruction. I then spend time teaching guiding reading groups in the first grade classrooms. I then bring first graders up into the resource room for more individualized instruction. Recess duty some days and the entire day continues about the same throughout the day! Lots of going up and down stairs bringing up different groups of kiddos to the resource room for instruction. 😁 Oh and writing ieps, checking in with parents, collaborating with teachers and iep team members in my “spare” time! Wouldn’t change it for the world! The day zooms by! Describe yourself in 3 words.. compassionate, wife, mom What is your favorite board game? (We’ve played a lot the last few months) probably scattergories or scrabble Travel bucket list…where would you go if you could anywhere? Hawaii Random facts about yourself? My youngest son Hayden will be a freshman at Fort Hays State this fall. My oldest son Hunter will be a junior at FHSU this fall. They both are playing football for their dad who is the football coach at FHSU. I’m thrilled to only have to worry about one game each weekend after all these busy years of sports! My husband Chris and I are high school sweethearts and have been married for 21 years! We also have two dogs, Hugo and Hiro. We are blessed to attend church at Celebration Community Church where we are given opportunities for our family to continue to grow in our Christian faith.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Daphne Brown & Family
New Series ... We are starting a new social media series here at USD #489. It is called Getting to Know USD #489 and we are going to introduce you to many of our staff over a few weeks. We will be asking staff random questions...check it out as you might learn something new about a staff that has been here forever!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Getting to Know
It’s a new month!! Make this one the best yet!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
June quote
Today is National Hamburger Day!! Grill a burger...add some lettuce and tomato and enjoy your day!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Need an athletic/sports/annual physical for your child? You can call the Ellis County Health Department for an appointment at 785-628-9440. Monday-Thursday 7 am- 5pm (closed 12-1) Friday 7 am- 11 am Don't wait until the last minute!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Kitchen Manager of the Year (Statewide): Patty Kuhn, Roosevelt Elementary (Also 25 years in our district) Excerpts from the nomination that was submitted: “She helps students, especially the kindergartners with folding their napkin & making choices as they go through the lunch line without feeling rushed!” “She visits with students about what they like, don’t like and even just how life is going. She knows most children by name, and they all know her. I frequently see kids come to her for a hug!” “She goes about and beyond when providing for children with special diet needs. The district provides basic substitutions, but she takes it a step further and will make multiple homemade items for them. She will go out of her way to go to the grocery store and find new items just to help them feel special.” “She manages 6 staff and is a mentor to each of them, they all look up to her and take what she teaches them to heart. She communicates well with her staff and they trust her!” “Her bulletin board displays located at the front of the school are beautiful! They promote school meals and anyone who enters the buildings can see them! They have a tremendous result and the perceptions of our meal program shows it!” Thank you Patty for your dedication, committment and love for feeding our children. #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Patty Kuhn
Seen Around USD #489: Senator Moran helped our staff pass out lunches today. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Moran lunches
Moran lunches
Moran handing out lunch
Seen Around USD #489: One of our own. Kids thinking big things. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
USD 489 wants to congratulate Kansas Teacher @TabathaRosproy on being named the 2020 National Teacher of the Year. @ksdehq @CCSSO #NTOY20
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Friday Pizza Deal for KIDS!!! Kids K-12 from 11 - 2 pm can get a $2 Kids cheese pizza. Old Chicago Hays plans on doing this every Friday through the end of June! #EveryStudentEveryDay489 #ThanksForHelpingOut
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
For The Seniors: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Today USD #489 board members & Paisley Pear partnered up with FHSU to hand out pizza kits and children’s books! What an amazing community we live in. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Paisley Pear
BOE members
Tonight's Board of Education Meeting will be livestreamed on Facebook. Budget Hearing begins @ 6:30 pm with regular meeting immediately following. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Nutrition Update: Reminder! Summer meals program starts today! Hays High and Lincoln Elementary only. 11:30 to 12:30. All children are welcome!
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Summer lunch
Message About Drivers Ed: Parents and students: The governor has once again delayed the start of drivers education due to the corona virus. The first session cannot begin until June 29th . Those students previously scheduled in the June 15th session will be spread into sessions 2-4. New schedules will be developed and mailed asap. Thank you for your patience with the situation and thank you for being flexible with your own scheduling to make these schedules work. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Kid Quest Information
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: Wishing the best to Karla & Nina as they smile right on into retirement!!! Thanks for your time with us!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Happy Days!!
We will miss you!
We have a correction to our Years of Service awards! This sweet teacher retired and returned to us...and her total years of teaching is 40 years!!! 40 years!!! Please help us show Ms. Deanna Smith at Wilson Elementary lots of love for her dedication to our district!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Mrs. Deanna Smith