Today is the start of something really exciting!! Since the district will not host an annual staff recognition event in person, we are going to recognize our staff via social media!! The very first recognition is a teacher who has been with our district for 40 years!!! 40 years!!!! Ms. Jan Burkholder!!! Please help us congratulate her on this amazing amount of time in the classroom!! Thank you for your dedication to the little ones of this community! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Ms. Burkholder
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama’s out there!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Mother’s Day
Summer Meal Information: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Summer Menu
Summer 2
Nutrition Update: Reminder, no meals are served on Fridays! Here is the menu for next week. Information about summer program will be coming out soon! See you Monday! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Nut Menu
Teacher Appreciation Week, Day 5 This week we have celebrated our teachers, we have heard from parents and students, we have laughed about the funny things kids say and we have learned that teachers mean the world to their students! As the Seniors of 2020 head off into the is what a few of them had to say about school at USD 489. "I started out at O'Loughlin Elementary and had the best teachers! HMS rocked and every teacher that I have had at HHS has been kind! I am going to miss school!" "I went to Kindergarten at Roosevelt Elementary and now will graduate from HHS! I am going to FHSU to learn to be a teacher! I would love to teach in Hays one day!" "I moved here in 7th grade and everyone was so nice to me. High school wasn't easy but I had teachers who cared about me!" "School was hard for me, but in middle school I had a teacher who spent so much extra time with me and taught me that I matter! That changed my life, I am not going to college because I am going to start working right away, but I am sure that if I didn't have that great teacher from HMS, I would not have made it!" "I came to Hays in 4th grade and went to Wilson Elementary. I got in trouble a lot in middle school! I got to HHS and straightened out! I had great teachers and awesome coaches! I am hoping to be a coach someday to help another kid like I was!" "My family moved to Hays my Sophomore year of high school, HHS was much harder than my other school! Teachers were extra helpful to me, I went to extra study sessions and came in early for a long time, and now am excited to go to college! Thanks to all the teachers who spent extra time with me!" USD 489 believes in Every Student Every Day and our teachers are wonderful humans that carry this banner with them daily! Even though this week stands out to celebrate them, we celebrate them every single day!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Teacher Week
Seen Around USD #489: Keeping you informed...if you need assistance please reach out to the trained folks!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
ECC flyer
Teacher Appreciation Week, Day 4 During this crazy weird time of continious learning ..teachers have had to embrace an entirely new way of teaching. They have had to make complete overhauls of their plans, relocated classrooms to kitchen tables and basements, all while not physically seeing their students. They had no warning that this was coming and no chance to even say goodbye. They are adaptors and they all just picked up and started teaching from the kitchen table! We asked a few students questions about this new time...responses are below. What have you liked about distance learning? "My teacher singing and reading us books on video!" Roosevelt, Kindergarten "My teachers giving us grace and being very helpful!" HHS Sophomore "My teacher has made us all laugh on video. She is really funny!" Lincoln, 3rd grade "My teachers have all asked us how we're feeling." HMS 7th grader Are you excited to go back to school next year? "Yes! But I will first hug my teacher from last year!" Roosevelt, 4th grader "Yes! I can't wait to see everyone, have recess and eat lunch in the lunchroom!" O'Loughlin, 3rd grader #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: Great video from HMS (made by a student)!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Today is National School Nurse Day!! USD #489 has the best!!! We love all of you and appreciate our nursing staff every single day! Thanks for all you do!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Nurse Photo
Teacher Appreciation Week, Day 3: During a regular school day, teachers teach the basics, they develop lesson plans and they assign homework..but so much of the time, they are not just doing the basics!!! They are there to help a child who is struggling or to celebrate a milestone that has nothing to do with the lesson plans!!! Hays High Seniors shared with us the "other" things a teacher has taught them over the years: "My Biology teacher helped me get free lunches and a prom dress one year when my family had no money." "A teacher taught me to tie a tie my freshman year!" "My Government teacher taught me that sometimes it's easier to just go for it, instead of wishing that I had. I did just go for it and now have my black belt!" "My FACS teacher taught me that somtimes life is really hard, but find the funny in it will help!" "My English teacher showed me how to solve a really hard Alegbra problem, in the middle of her class lecture, all because I was trying to figure it out instead of listening to her talk!" #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Day #2 of Teacher Appreciation Week!!! Today we asked parents how they feel about our teachers! So many responses and sweet messages, but here are just a few to warm your heart!! "Ms. Colip at Lincoln Elementary has been wonderful! Our daughter was new to Lincoln this year and everyone has embraced her, she loves it!" "My daughter struggled with reading but Mrs. Gaughan has helped her so much!" "Ms. Tasha Lang makes everyone feel like they are somebody!" "Mr. Stuart Bott strives to make sure everyone can understand each lesson. He goes at a pace that my child can follow!" "My son is in kindergarten at Roosevelt and Mrs. Wamser is just wonderful! He has so many stories from school and he didn't even want to go to school!" "Mrs. Johnson is amazing. She finds a way to help my son enjoy subjects that he has always disliked in other years!"
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Superintendent Wilson!! This guy.. he is hilarious, positive & truly cares about the kids! He lives the #EveryStudentEveryDay489 every single day!!
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
With kids
Today marks the start of Teacher Appreciation Week. Here at USD #489.. teachers are pretty important! We were interested in hearing what some of the students had to say about their teachers. What do you love the most about all your teachers? -They really care. I could tell any of them that I’m having a bad day & they would stop and listen. HMS, 6th grader -My classroom teacher is funny! My PE teacher is fast and my music teacher sings LOUD! Wilson, 3rd grader -My main teacher is nice even if she is having a rough day. She teaches us to smile even if it’s rough. My specials teachers are all nice too, even if I don’t feel like learning, they help me! Lincoln, 5th grader What is something your teacher does that is funny? -She lets us get our giggles out! Lincoln, 2nd grader -He says words in a different language! And he can make good animal noises. Wilson, 5th grader -She walks with big huge steps to show us we can take big steps with tiny voices. Roosevelt, 2nd grader -When kids are messing around in class, she will dance around like she is in the ballet. It makes everyone stop and watch! HMS, 7th grader Who is the principal of your school & did you know they were once a teacher? -Mrs. Gile & she was? I don’t think she was, I think she was always a Mrs. Gile. O’Loughlin, 3rd grader -Mrs. Lacy & I think maybe she was a PE teacher because she is very fast! Lincoln, 2nd grader -Mr. Albers & yeah he was a math teacher! Everyone knows he is like way smart with math! HMS, 8th grader Our teachers are truly gifts. They inspire your kids. They celebrate the tiny things & the huge milestones. They help to develop lifelong skills. They engage the toughest of them and practice patience with the more persistent ones. They encourage each tiny step and skill, and they love your kids as if they were their own. We are proud of all of our teachers at USD #489 & we celebrate you every single day!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
May kicks off National Physical Education & Sports Month!! Can you even imagine if our schools didn’t have PE or offer sports? We asked some local students what they loved about PE or sports.. “I miss weights. Taking PE classes has helped me feel better about myself!” HHS Sophomore “I love when we learned to play hopscotch in kindergarten!” Wilson, 4th grader “PE is my most favorite class! We get to run, jump and be loud!” Lincoln, 2nd grader “PE is the best class of the week, we play volleyball and basketball, but I don’t love push ups!” HMS, 7th grader Thank you to our amazing staff who help kids find the joy in running, teach them coping skills, and even teach them to play hopscotch!!! Get outside and move, have a kitchen dance party or draw a hopscotch course on your driveway today!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489 #GetMoving
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
They often start work at 0500... they stir with really big spoons.. they wear aprons and have most recently learned to work with all sorts of protective gear on... there are approximately 40 of them in our district.. who are they? They wade through allergies... they count calories.. they mix and match to make tasty meals for our littles.. who are they? They scoop, stir, flip, mix, whip and even bake! Lately they have filled bags instead of trays.. they are what we call a true hero!! Happy School Lunch Hero Day to our Nutrition Services staff!!! We love your food, your smiles and your dedication!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Lunch tray
Kids agree!
Backpacks For Kids 2020-2021 Information.. #EveryStudentEveryDay489 #HelpingTheKids
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Nutrition News: Reminder, there is no meal service on Friday, meals for tomorrow were sent out today! See you Monday! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: Look at these happy faces. The sun is shining. The flowers are blooming. We hope you’re having a happy day! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
ECC student
ECC happy face!
Smiling student
Check out this video about our amazing Nutrition Staff!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Attention Incoming Kindergarten Families: Placement letters are being mailed TODAY!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
almost 5 years ago, District USD 489
Good Day