Parents: We have a new home for Community Flyers..things like library events, sports tryouts, etc and you can see them here: If you want a flyer posted, email it to Jess Reling at #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Community Events!
Seen Around USD #489: Today Superintendent Wilson spoke with the Roosevelt Elementary staff to start the year off! Good to GREAT!! T-shirts were provided to all staff members as a reminder...Good to GREAT!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Roosevelt Message
Good to GREAT t-shirts!
Please Welcome Amy Schmidt!! My position with USD #489 is 7th Grade ELA and Reading! I've been teaching at Western Plains for the past nine years. My husband and I have lived in Hays for the past three years and just welcomed our first baby in March, so the (MUCH) shorter commute will be amazing!! I'm excited to work in the community where I live, and I'm very excited to meet my students and form relationships with everyone at the school! It seems like a great and happy place to work and I love being a part of a positive environment. A random tidbit…. Our family LOVES to travel! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Amy Schmidt
Please Welcome Becky Hickert!!! I am so excited to serve our community as an Assistant Principal at Hays High! I grew up in Hays and am so grateful for the warm welcome back "home!" I earned a BS in Math/Life Sciences and a BS in Secondary Education from Kansas State University, and my Master's Degree in School Counseling and Building Leadership from FHSU. Prior to returning to Hays I spent 15 years at Junction City High School as a math teacher, school counselor, and administrator. I am most looking forward to meeting and connecting with the whole HHS Family—students, staff, families, and community members—and spending time in classrooms with our students and teachers engaged in learning! My passion for education lies in helping each and every student to be successful in high school and to prepare and plan for their post-high school goals—through strong academic and social-emotional programs and community partnerships for early workplace and college experiences. I am thrilled to be a part of this district and am honored to help continue to build upon the strong foundations that are already in place here. Random fun facts--I love to cook and try new cuisines, and I was a Ballroom Dance instructor at K-State for 11 years! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Becky Hickert
Please Welcome Melanie McDonough!! I’m excited to fill the brand new Hays High Computer Based Learning Instructor/Coordinator position. I was born and raised a Kansas girl and grew up just down the road from Hays. My husband was raised in Kansas as well. After graduating from Pitt State, we moved to Colorado and stayed for 25 years. We moved back home in June 2020, choosing Hays as a central location to be close to both our families. I’ll be starting my 26th year as a public educator with most of my experience as a middle and high school English Language Arts teacher. I’ve filled many roles throughout my career, but providing student support is my passion. I’m excited to be part of the positive opportunities this new program will provide our students! Outside of school, you will probably find me with my family. My husband, daughter, son, (and dog) are my everything! I also enjoy off-roading (mostly sand dunes), volleyball, kickboxing, and decorating. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Melanie McDonough
Please Welcome Kasey Renshaw!! I will be teaching 6th grade math, 7th grade math, and communications. This will be my first-year teaching, as I just graduated from FHSU in May! I am originally from Salina, Kansas, and I graduated high school from Salina South. I am most excited to meet the students and get to know them! I went to the same high school as Adrianna Franch, who is one of the goalies for the United States women’s national soccer team! I met her when she led one of our soccer practices. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Kasey Renshaw
Please Welcome Bruce Rupp (into a new position!!)!! I am switching from the weights teacher/Athletic Director position to Asst. Principal/Athletic Director position @ Hays Middle School. I’m in my 29th year @ HMS, 31st @ USD 489, and 34th in education. Continue as Drivers Ed Coordinator-27th year. Super excited about new opportunity and trying something new. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Bruce Rupp
Please Welcome Megan Beiker!! What is your position with USD #489? I am teaching 8th grade English and Language arts at Hays Middle School. Where are you coming from….a little background information would be great! I actually grew up in the Hays area but I move to Hoxie in 2014 to teach 7th, 8th, and 9th grade English/Language arts at Hoxie Jr/Sr. High School. What are you most excited about here at USD #489? So far, everyone I’ve met in the district is so kind and helpful! I can truly feel the camaraderie among the employees in this district. I’m also excited to be a part of the HMS staff and to get to know my colleagues as well as my students and their families. A random tidbit .. My husband and I both grew up in the Hays area but had to move out of the area to finally meet each other! We just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary in July. Together, we have a Boston Terrier named Marvin. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Megan Beiker
Tomorrow is the first day of school for USD #489. We are excited to see your children. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Every Student Every Day
Please Welcome Samantha Lackey! I will be teaching elementary music at Lincoln Elementary and O'Loughlin Elementary. I am coming from Lindsborg, and will actually be commuting rather than moving! I am most excited to be a part of the music program in Hays, inspiring young students! Random Tidbit.. I love working out and exercising! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Samantha Lackey
Please Welcome Peyton Morlan!! I am teaching 3rd grade at Wilson Elementary and I am transferring from Hays Middle School. I am originally from McClave, Colorado, a very tiny town in the South East corner of the state. I am most excited about teaching at Wilson because they have an incredible, welcoming staff and amazing families to support their great students! I student taught in third grade at Wilson, so it is great to be back in the building with this team! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Peyton Morlan
Please Welcome Kate Hughes!!! I’m going to be teaching 2nd Grade at Roosevelt. My hometown is Council Grove, Kansas but my husband and I moved to Hays from Salina. I received my BA from Kansas Wesleyan University and I taught 2nd grade in Salina for 4 years. I’m excited to continue teaching 2nd grade here in Hays! I am most excited about being able to build relationships within USD489 with the staff, students, and families! Getting to know everyone is one of my favorite parts of teaching! My husband and I have two dogs who we adore! Their names are Rook and Axel. I also come from a ‘basketball family’ and played two years at Kansas Wesleyan University. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Kate Hughes
Please Welcome Audra O'Reagan!! What is your position with USD #489? English Language Arts at Hays High School Where are you coming from… I graduated high school in Beloit and went to Fort Hays where I got my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and psychology and my certification in addictions counseling. I worked in that field for a few years before returning to Fort Hays and getting my master’s degree in education. What are you most excited about here at USD #489? The past year I worked as a substitute teacher for the district so I am excited to continue being a part of the USD 489 team. Everyone has been so helpful and welcoming, so I am excited to be working alongside such a wonderful group of people. I am also excited to be able to pursue my dreams of teaching English and being as inspiring as my English teachers were when I was in school. A random tidbit …. I have been married to my husband for almost 3 years. We have two beautiful sons; one will be 2 in October and one was born about 4 weeks ago. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Audra O'Reagan
Please Welcome Dawn Howard!! I’m the Transition Coordinator for the 18-21 program at the new WeKan Center located in the Hadley Center. Previously, I spent 14 years as a special education teacher at Trego Community HS and for the last 13 years I was a transition adviser for the Northwest KS Education Service Center. I’m most excited about helping our young adults develop their skills so they become independent and successful adults within this great community. I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting many great people here at USD 489 and look forward to meeting many more. My husband, Hardy, and I enjoy our empty nest in WaKeeney but like visiting our three adult daughters even more. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Dawn Howard
Please Welcome Nicholl Weigel!! I am teaching 6th/7th grade Science this year. I was previously at LaCrosse Middle/High School teaching Math 7th-12th grade and coaching HS girls basketball. Before that I was in Great Bend teaching 6th grade Math & Science, while coaching HS girls basketball and MS girls volleyball. I am most excited about the new challenge of going back to teaching Middle School Science, working with a new group of people, and meeting all my new students! I am currently planning my wedding! My fiancé and I are getting married in September! This is my first year since 5th grade where I won’t be participating in basketball practice after school; as I have always been a player or coach. Finally, one of my favorite titles is being an AUNT! I have 4 nephews with another niece/nephew on the way! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Nicholl Weigel
Please Welcome Stuart Bott... What is your position with USD #489? PE Teacher at Wilson Elementary Where are you coming from…. Back in Australia, I taught 5 years in the classroom and 2 as a Physical Education teacher. I’ve spent the last 2 years as a grade 5 teacher at Wilson, but I’m super excited to have the opportunity to teach PE this academic year. What are you most excited about here at USD #489? Creating positive relationships with students, parents and staff and also to be a positive role model who leads by example. Random Tidbit.. I am a probationary 4th degree black belt in Zen Do Kai and one thing I learned is a healthy mind and a healthy body equals a healthy spirit! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Stuart Bott
Please Welcome Megan Pantle to USD #489!! What is your position with USD #489? My new position will be teaching ELA at HMS. Where are you coming from… I am from Colorado, but have called Hays home for the last 13 years. I attended FHSU where I graduated with my Elementary Education degree. I have spent the last 6 years teaching in Ellis. What are you most excited about here at USD #489? I am most excited to be working with the students and staff at HMS. I am looking forward to bringing my love of reading into the classroom. A random tidbit …. I have been married to my husband, Lyle, for 6 years and have a 3-year-old daughter, Emersyn. We enjoy spending time together at Cedar Bluff as much as we can. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Megan Pantle
Post Rock Radio 104.7 brought our Administration team some yummy treats today!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Post Rock Radio brought donuts!!
Please Welcome Teri Berkgren!! I will be an instructional coach/autism and behavior support for the district! I am coming from NKESC as an Autism/Low Incidence Consultant and SLP for 20 years. So excited to work with staff and students in a new Co-op! New people, new ideas! Random tidbit...I love the beach!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Teri Berkgren
Please Welcome Carly Blackard! What is your new position at USD #489? 2nd grade at Roosevelt Elementary This is my first year teaching! I graduated from Fort Hays last year. I am originally from Lakewood, Colorado! I moved to Hays 3 years ago. I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach within this district. I worked as a para for two years at Roosevelt and am excited I get to stay there! A random tidbit about me is that I love racing. A lot of my family races! I practically grew up at the racetrack in Colorado. I now get to enjoy watching my little brother race! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 3 years ago, District USD 489
Carly Blackard