Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Barb Ellegood
Buildings & Grounds
785-623-2400 Ext. 173
Amy Arnhold
Student Software Systems Admin
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 148
Amy Beckman
Employee Services Director
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 151
Renae Booth
Accounting Director
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 108
Jamie Boyle
Nutrition Services Coordinator
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 154
Charlotte Copper
Accounting Assistant
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 101
Lacy Bruggeman
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 118
Kyle Carlin
Director of Special Education
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 116
Chrisy Crough
Public Relations
785-623-2400 Ext. 158
Shanna Dinkel
Assistant Superintendent/Director of Curriculum
785-623-2400 Ext. 113
Carla Fellhoelter
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 109
Melissa Ginther
Occupational Therapist
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 160
Marie Henderson
Instructional Technology Specialist
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 171
Chris Hipp
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
785-623-2400 Ext. 167
Dianne Johnson
Buildings & Grounds
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 129
Daniel Kelly
Visually Impaired
Support Staff
Allison Kitchen
MTSS Coach
785-623-2400 Ext. 171
Rusty Lindsay
Building & Grounds Director
785-623-2400 Ext. 124
Lindy McDaniel
Assistant Special Education Director
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 122
Bonita Philip
Payroll Specialist
Support Staff
785-623-2400 Ext. 132