Today is National Lunch Hero Day!!! Random tidbit: USD #489 lunch heroes serve approximately 2300-2400 lunches each day! We are forever thankful for our Nutrition Staff!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Nutrition Staff
Nutrition Staff
Nutrition Staff
Nutrition Staff
Today is National Lunch Hero Day!! Random Tidbit: Our Nutrition Staff serve approximately 500 breakfasts per day!! Thanks for all you do Nutrition Staff! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Nutrition Staff
Nutrition Staff
Nutrition Staff
School Lunch Hero Day
There are 3 folks that make the magic happen before the food even gets to the buildings to be cooked for the kids... they plan, order, deliver and organize!!! We would all be lost without Tim Booth, Jamie Boyle & Jessica Younker! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Tim Booth
Jessica Younker
Jamie Boyle
Janel Molleker has been with USD #489 for 15 years! Best thing about working for USD489….. made a lot of new friends and they are like family! Fun Fact about myself…… Previously owned and operated a bingo hall (Lucky Bucks Bingo Hall) for 19 years and closed it 9 years ago… decided to open another one, just a smaller version! The name of it is (The Heritage Eatery & Bingo). #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Janel Molleker
Leslie Karlin has been with USD #489 for 10 years! My favorite things about working in this district are seeing my students succeed and always learning new things. A fun fact about me is I love dachshunds! Whenever I model writing during writing workshop, my students know it will be about dachshunds. We are adapting fairy tales right now, and my story, based on The Three Billy Goats Gruff, is called The Three Sleepy Dachshunds! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Leslie Karlin
Kathy Wagoner has been with USD #489 for 30 years! My favorite thing about working for USD 489...the people! Fun Fact: I’ve never received a traffic ticket, but I have had three warnings which I laughed during the whole time the officer talked with me. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Kathy Wagoner
Sue Ann Tebo has been with USD #489 for 5 years! My favorite thing: I love what I teach: Life skills. The students are fun, the staff is awesome, and I am grateful to be part of an outstanding school district! A fun fact: I enjoy water skiing, surfing, fishing, and hunting. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Sue Ann Tebo
Jenny Prine has been with USD #489 for 20 years! My favorite thing about working for USD 489 are the people! I have a wonderful staff that I get to work with each day in my building, as well as the great people throughout the district! A fun fact about me: Before becoming a teacher I was a Food Service Manager at FHSU. I opened and managed the Taco Bell when it was in Wiest Hall (many years ago!). I also managed the cafeteria at McMindes Hall. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Jenny Prine
Laycie Haas has been with USD #489 for 5 years! I love so much about USD 489–the staff is amazing in each of the school’s my three children are in and my facility - Early Childhood Connections is so much like family it makes working with them and the kids everyday fun and memorable! Fun Fact: My all time favorite movie is Wizard of Oz and I have been collecting WOZ things since I was a little girl!—I also love cows 🐮💗
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Laycie Haas
Kay Shippy has been with USD #489 for 30 years!! Favorite thing about working in USD 489: It’s the people (kids and teachers)! My colleagues have become some of my closest friends—I wouldn’t be the teacher I am today without all the collaboration and support over the past 30 years. Fun Fact: I was raised in Hays—attended USD 489 at 2 buildings which are no longer open-- Jefferson Elementary and Kennedy Middle School. I also went to TMP and then became a KSU Wildcat where I got my degree and finally returned “home” to teach. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Kay Shippy
Amy Arnhold has been with USD #489 for 20 years!! I enjoy working at USD 489 because of all of the wonderful coworkers and watching our students grow into amazing adults! Fun Fact: I enjoy getting up and running on the treadmill to start my day off. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Amy Arnhold
Lindy McDaniel has been with USD #489 for 5 years!! The best part about working for 489 is the opportunity to advocate for the success of all students. Fun Fact: Something interesting my husband and I got married in Mexico.... Not sure we are actually married as the documents are all in Spanish:) #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Lindy McDaniel
Valerie Colip has been with USD #489 for 5 years! My favorite part of working for USD 489 is the family environment at my school. We work together and truly care for one another. Fun Fact: I love to snowboard and I wish I could do it more often! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Valerie Colip
Janae Atkerson has been with USD #489 for 20 years! My favorite things about USD 489 is the people I work with and helping students. A fun fact: I was born and raised in Hays and I am a 1999 graduate of Hays High School
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Janae Atkerson
Marci Lisman has been with USD #489 for 15 years!! My favorite thing about working for USD 489 is to see my kids grow. From their first steps, to their first words and then their personality’s blossoming. I also enjoy getting to know the parents and seeing them grow and succeed. Fun fact about myself is that I will be married 30 years this year in August. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Marci Lisman
Ryan Quimby has been with USD #489 for 5 years! My favorite thing about working for USD 489 is getting the opportunity to build relationships with so many awesome students in the district. I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible whether its hunting, hiking or just getting exercise in different ways. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Ryan Quimby
Holly Creamer has been with USD #489 for 5 years!! My favorite thing about working with USD 489 is the commitment to student achievement and success in all avenues of life! Academic, social/emotional, and most of all relationships. Meeting our kids where they are at and celebrating them each and everyday! A fun fact about myself is I used to work at Disney World when I lived in Florida! I returned to Western Kansas in 2012 where I grew up, to raise our family and I’m so thankful I did! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Holly Creamer
Brian Schauf has been with USD #489 for 5 years! Favorite thing about USD489: I get to work with so many incredible staff members, and I get to learn something new every day. Fun Fact: I love to cook for my family and friends! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Brian Schauf
Julie Brown has been with USD #489 for 5 years! I have been blessed to work with amazing colleagues! I was on the Price is Right many, many years ago 😊 #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Julie Brown
Larissa Whitney has been with USD #489 for 5 years!! My favorite thing about working at USD 489 is the strong connections we have with the community. There are many resources available and it’s much appreciated! Fun fact: I’ve never kept a plant alive more than a month or so... (and my mom’s a horticulturist) until this year!! I have an aloe Vera plant, succulents, and a fern going strong in my classroom! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Larissa Whitney