District 21-22 Calendar:
Enrollment Information:
School Supply Lists:
Email Jess Reling at jreling@usd489.com

Don’t forget the Westside School garage sale tomorrow & Saturday!
4-7 Friday and 8-12 on Saturday!!
Outside and inside both.. so much stuff!!
Come find a treasure!!

USD #489 Preschool has openings!!
5 days/week, ages 3-5!!
Questions..call Tina at 785-650-7141 or email tkalbers@usd489.com

Make a difference.
Work for us.

Everyone loves a good yard sale! And even better...this one benefits our Westside School!!!
Hope to see you there!

School Stuff...
2021-22 School Supply Lists are available here..
2021-22 District Calendar is available here...
2021-22 Enrollment Information here...

Questions about summer meals… Contact Jamie Boyle @ 785-623-2400 or email her @ jboyle@usd489.com.

Seen Around Kansas:
Marie Henderson, USD #489 Instructional Technology Specialist, presenting at the USA Conference in Wichita on Getting Your Professional Learning In Gear.

Summer Meal Information..

Hays High Indians Baseball … getting warmed up for the opening round of the 5A state tournament!
We are cheering back here at home!!
Be the team that never gives up!

The children and staff in Building 3 at ECC are safe in the tornado shelter.

School Board Election deadline is near.
If you wish to be considered for a BOE position, you must file with the Ellis County Clerk by noon on June 1st.
Be a part of public education.

Westside School received a grant from Midwest Energy to purchase STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering & Math) items!
Thanks to Midwest Energy for helping our kids learn!!

Seen Around USD #489:
Last day activities!!
It’s almost summer break!!

5A Regional Champions!
Beat Valley Center 4/0!
Headed to State!!

Seen Around USD #489:
It’s Field Day at Lincoln Elementary!
Races. Laughter. Priceless.

If you wish to view the BOE Meeting ...
Meeting starts at 6:30 pm.

Opening Night of HHS Musical Rent. Plenty of tickets still available for Friday- Sunday. Great talent on display!
http://www.ticketsource.us/hays-high-school or purchase tickets at the door!

Vicki Unruh has been a Psychologist with USD #489 for 18 years!!
What are you most looking forward to about retirement? I am looking forward to spending more time with my children, gardening, baking and traveling.
What will you miss the most about your job? I will miss interacting with preschool children. Young children have taught me so much. They enjoy life and learning. They see wonder and awe in everyday experiences. They accept differences. They freely express ALL their emotions!
What is something that has changed since you started in this field? For me, the biggest change has been technology. When I started in the field, we hand wrote reports and sent them to a secretary to type—on a typewriter! We also hand wrote IEPs on NCR paper. There were no cell phones, no personal computers, no spell check and no email. You called on a landline or went down the hall to speak with someone.
What is your favorite memory at USD 489? I am leaving with great memories. I have worked with many outstanding school psychologists, teachers and related service providers whom I have the privilege to call colleagues and friends. Some of the most humorous memories are from the Rockwell OT/PT (plus one SLP) Christmas parties. That group knows how to have fun! Their parties are filled with great food and the most entertaining games.