In-Person Enrollment is coming up!!!
All details are here...https://www.usd489.com/page/enrollment-2021-2022
Ellis Co. Health Dept will also be available ...https://5il.co/w1r4

••Day 4 of 8 Days of Awesome••
•New 9-12 grade teachers were the learners today!!

••Day 4 of 8 Days of Awesome••
•Teachers are learning about Launching Engagement today.
•Teachers who love teaching teach children to love learning.

••8 Days of Awesome••
••The topic this afternoon is Leveraging Inclusion.
••Teaching is a great way to keep learning.

••8 Days of Awesome••
Day 3••Topic is Illuminating Behavior Social Emotional Learning••
•You know it’s a great topic when every eye in the room is glued to the speaker!!

Join us for a community conversation on Kansas education.
Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson is facilitating community conversations to gather feedback on the state’s vision for K-12 education. Parents, educators, business and community members are encouraged to attend.
Dr. Watson will be in Hays Tuesday, July 27th, from 9-10:30 am in the Hays High School Cafeteria!

USD #489 is seeking a volunteer to serve as a community representative for our district on the Hays Recreation Commission Board.
If you have an interest or questions please email Jess Reling at jreling@usd489.com.

••Day 2 of 8 Days of Awesome••
•Today is focusing on new teachers.
•Afternoon session includes 6-8 grade level teachers.
•To teach is to learn twice over.

••Day 2 of 8 Days of Awesome••
•Today is designed around new teachers!!
•AM session includes PK-5 grade level.
•Who dares to TEACH must never cease to LEARN.

Seen Around USD #489:
The Hays Public Library visited our Westside School summer program!
Books and more books. We love readers!

8 Days of Awesome!
This afternoon our staff were learning about Harnessing Relationships!
Teachers are always learning!

If you wish to view the Board of Education meeting tonight..see the link below:
Starts at 6:30 pm.

Today starts 8 Days of Awesome!!
This morning they are learning about cultivating resiliency!!

Online Enrollment will open July 19th at 10:00 am. For all steps and information click on the link below:
Kindergarten and new students to the district who have pre-enrolled will receive an email on July 19th with instructions on how to create your Parent PowerSchool account.

Make A Difference!!
Work for USD #489 Nutrition Services!!

Make a Difference!
WCKSEC and USD 489 is hiring SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAEDUCATORS to start in August for the following schools:
Hays High School, Hays Middle School, Roosevelt Elementary, O’Loughlin Elementary, Westside School, Ellis High School, Washington Grade School (Ellis), Victoria Elementary, LaCrosse Elementary, WeKan Center, TMP-Marian, and Holy Family Elementary.

Get this app to gain access to loads of free attractions/activities to Kansas families!

Seen Around USD #489:
Our new administrators started in the buildings today!! Please join us in welcoming Shawn Henderson & Becky Hickert to HHS and Rene Burns to O’Loughlin Elementary!!

Seen Around USD #489:
Even more photos from the 9 Title I Part C Education Program's students and parents enjoying summer services.
If you have questions about this program or wish to see if you qualify, email Starla Gano at sgano@usd489.com

Seen Around USD #489:
Our Title I Part C Education Program's students and parents enjoying summer services, including STEM projects, reading, outdoor exploring and fun family engagement events.