Alysa Erway has been with USD #489 for 5 years!!! I love the staff at USD 489! They are so friendly and always willing to help out when I need it! USD 489 is truly a remarkable place to be, each and every one of our staff members are genuinely for the kids and I am blessed to be apart of it! Fun Fact: I love to bake, read, and travel with my husband in my free time! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Alysa Erway
Jerold Harris has been with USD #489 for 25 years!!! I have many reasons that I enjoy working at Hays High. The students are enjoyable. The camaraderie amongst the math department and coaching staff. Fun Fact: Many people do not know this, but in high school I worked at a country club where I was part of an ice-sculpting team. We took 2nd place at a contest at Crown Center. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Jerold Harris
Lacey Kee has been with USD #489 for 10 years! Her favorite thing about USD #489 is the wonderful family atmosphere! Our staff works together as a team to make sure we always do what is best for our students! I have thoroughly enjoyed working for U.S.D. #489! It is a great place to be! A fun fact about myself if that I love to sing! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Lacey Kee
Monica Dreiling has been with USD #489 for 20 years!! Her favorite thing is the friendly staff and amazing families! Fun Fact: "During the pandemic, I traced my ancestry to a Revolutionary War Patriot and was able to join the Daughters of the American Revolution." #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Monica Dreiling
First up...Bobbie Dinkel. She has been with our district for 30 years!! Her favorite thing about USD 489 is the people, all of the students, coworkers, and families! Fun Fact: In my 30 years at USD 489, I have work in 3 different buildings, at 8 different grade levels, and with 6 different principals. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Bobbie Dinkel
Today starts Teacher Appreciation Week!! In honor of this great week we are going to showcase our staff who have made a milestone year in our district. There will be no particular make sure you stick close to avoid missing anyone! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Thank You Teachers!
Seen Around USD #489: Today Roosevelt Elementary had their ribbon cutting for their new playground equipment. Principal Petersen went down the slide to burst through the ribbon. Children playing. Laughter. Many years of hard work. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Roosevelt kids playing on new playground
Principal Petersen getting ready to slide!
Cutting the ribbon!
Ribbon is cut!!! Playground is official!
--Assistant Principal News-- Becky Hickert has been selected as the assistant high principal for Hays High School starting for the 21-22 school year. Becky is currently an assistant principal in USD 475 at Junction City High School. Prior to becoming an assistant principal, Becky was the Coordinator of Post-Secondary Programs at Junction City High. Becky also served as a school counselor and math teacher at Junction City High. Becky is a Hays native and is excited about returning to Hays with her husband and two school aged children. Very excited to have Becky joining our 489 team. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Becky Hickert
Tonight's BOE here: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Please review the new USD #489 COVID protocol that begins Monday, Apr 26th here: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
USD 489 logo
Seen Around USD #489: Little snippets from around our district this week! Snow. Bubbles. Calls home. Life is good. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
ECC Student with Snow
Bubbles and Laughing
Warriors call home!
Check out Summer Meal 2021 Information!!
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Summer Meal Information
Seen Around USD #489: Check out a few little faces from around our district from this week.. Reading. Calls Home. Playground Upgrades. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
ECC students reading together.
Calls home from Wilson Warriors.
ECC student reading a book.
Roosevelt playground upgrade!
Newest Publication of the Teaching & Learning Blog: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Blog Posting
Seen Around USD #489: Bigs Hanging Out With Littles. One of the HMS Falcon Squads spent some outside snack time with a Kindergarten class from Wilson. Snacks. Outside. Relationships. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
HMS Falcon Squad with Wilson Kinders
Snacks with Kinders
Hanging out with Students!
HMS and Kinders
If you want to view tonight's upcoming BOE Meeting: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
BOE Photo
Today has started out great!! Wilson Elementary Principal, Anita Scheve was presented with the Kansas Principals Association Area 4 Principal of the Year! Congrats Mrs. Scheve! Well deserved!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Anita with students
Anita presentation
2021-2022 Enrollment Information: Follow the link: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Enrollment District
April is National School Library Month!! USD #489 has amazing libraries and even more amazing staff that bring the shelves to life for our students!! Thank the library staff in our buildings this month! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
School Library Month
USD #489 is excited to announce that Shawn Henderson has been chosen as the next principal of Hays High School starting with the 2021-2022 school year. Shawn is familiar to the Hays community as he served as the Director of Field Experiences at FHSU, College of Education from 2015-2019. Currently Shawn is the principal at Russell High School. Shawn will bring lots of energy and enthusiasm and will continue to build on all the great things already established at HHS. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 3 years ago, District USD 489
Shawn Henderson