Please review the new USD #489 COVID protocol that begins Monday, Apr 26th here:

Seen Around USD #489:
Little snippets from around our district this week!
Snow. Bubbles. Calls home. Life is good.

Check out Summer Meal 2021 Information!!

Seen Around USD #489:
Check out a few little faces from around our district from this week..
Reading. Calls Home. Playground Upgrades.

Newest Publication of the Teaching & Learning Blog:

Seen Around USD #489:
Bigs Hanging Out With Littles.
One of the HMS Falcon Squads spent some outside snack time with a Kindergarten class from Wilson.
Snacks. Outside. Relationships.

If you want to view tonight's upcoming BOE Meeting:

Today has started out great!!
Wilson Elementary Principal, Anita Scheve was presented with the Kansas Principals Association Area 4 Principal of the Year!
Congrats Mrs. Scheve!
Well deserved!!

2021-2022 Enrollment Information:
Follow the link: https://www.usd489.com/page/enrollment-2021-2022

April is National School Library Month!!
USD #489 has amazing libraries and even more amazing staff that bring the shelves to life for our students!!
Thank the library staff in our buildings this month!

USD #489 is excited to announce that Shawn Henderson has been chosen as the next principal of Hays High School starting with the 2021-2022 school year.
Shawn is familiar to the Hays community as he served as the Director of Field Experiences at FHSU, College of Education from 2015-2019. Currently Shawn is the principal at Russell High School. Shawn will bring lots of energy and enthusiasm and will continue to build on all the great things already established at HHS.

Reminder..No school tomorrow, 4/2 or Monday, 4/5.
Enjoy the sunshine!

If you want to watch the BOE meeting tonight:
Meeting starts at 6:30 pm.

Don't forget that we have a survey up and we really would like to hear your thoughts on USD #489!!!
Follow this link:

Incoming Kindergarten Parents:
If you have not returned your pre-enrollment form....they are due this Friday!
Call Jess Reling @ 785-623-2400 ext 112 if you need a form.

Don't forget that we have a survey up and we really would like to hear your thoughts on USD #489!!!
Follow this link:

Beginning this week, the Hays Public Schools USD 489 will be completing a comprehensive phone survey of patrons on their opinions about their district.
The eight-minute phone survey will be placed between 7 and 9 p.m. on weekdays, and noon to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. The caller ID may show “Market Research Associates” or it may simply show an 816 or 913 area code, because the company uses calling facilities in both Missouri and Kansas.
For those who are not contacted at random on the phone, an online version of the survey is available on the district’s website.
The phone survey process will take about two weeks to complete, and the district is asking patrons to listen for their phones to ring.
All responses will be kept completely confidential.

With the high likelihood that the city ordinance requiring the wearing of face masks could expire at the end of today due to low community positive Covid numbers over the last fourteen days. USD 489 wants to remind students, staff and parents that we will continue to follow the mask mandate for the state of KS and the requirement of the wearing of masks in all schools. We do not have a timetable for when masks will no longer be required in schools, but when that decision is made that information will be shared. A commitment to the health and safety protocols is still our highest priority, and we thank you for your understanding, patience and commitment to continuing these protocols that are still in place .

Latest Edition of the Teaching & Learning Blog: