Seen Around USD #489: Check out the students at Roosevelt Elementary today!! So glad students are back!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
5th graders
Seen Around USD #489: And because one round of tiny people pictures is never enough... Who can resist these cute little faces! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
ECC Student
ECC First Day of School
First Day of School
ECC students with staff
Seen Around USD #489: Even the littles are back in school now!!! Our sweet little ECC people are all smiles!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
ECC Student
ECC Student
ECC Student
Washing Hands
Seen Around USD #489: Hays High is off and running too!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: Middle School too!! Listening. Learning. New adventures! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
HMS library
Seen Around USD #489: The books are out! The teaching has begun!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Working hard!!
1st Day!
Getting started!!
Seen Around USD #489: Little faces. Big smiles. Backpacks. New outfits. Raising hands. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Here so go!!
Ready to head to class!
Ready to start!!
A little help with the locker!!
Seen Around USD #489: The 1st day has finally arrived. We are overjoyed to hear squeaky shoes. The giggles. Lockers slamming. Here we go....lots of photos to come! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Waiting in line..
1st Day!!
Roosevelt Elementary
Getting ready!
Wishing everyone a wonderful first day of school!!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Happy 1st Day!!
Seen Around USD #489: Today was the start of Superintendent Wilson's trek around to all the schools/buildings to spread the theme of the school year...the staff were treated to a "Ride on the PFG Express" (Patience, Flexibility & Grace)!! Check out the teachers/staff as they take a ride! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: Check out this great story.... HAYS TEACHER RECIPIENT OF COUNTRY MUSIC TEACHER CLASSROOM INITIATIVE NASHVILLE TN August 19, 2020 Carla Emerson of Hays, KS has been chosen to be a recipient of a new program called the COUNTRY MUSIC TEACHER CLASSROOM INITIATIVE. The COUNTRY MUSIC TEACHER CLASSROOM INITIATIVE (CMTCI) is designed to provide teachers with classroom supplies and project funds across the United States. Teachers create a wish list of desired items for their classroom and project materials needed throughout the year. This list is distributed weekly on social media as part of country musician Jake Gill’s ongoing initiative to serve children and now teachers throughout the US and the world. Items can be purchased by anyone in the world and delivered directly to the selected teacher. Mrs. Emerson is a Special Education teacher at Westside Alternative School in the USD 489 Hays School District where she teaches grades 4-7. “I teach Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Writing, and when I can, Art and P. E. My students come to our building because their emotional and behavioral needs have not allowed them to be successful in their regular home school settings. I couldn’t do my job without the help of my paraeducators and the High Plains Mental Health Staff that are also an integral part of my room and building. This will be my 13th year at Westside. I truly enjoy working with this group of students and staff. They all teach me new things every day. It is so rewarding when students make successful transitions back to their home schools. The most difficult part of my job, though, is not always having access to the materials I need, such as science materials, library books, art supplies and a variety of P.E. equipment. ” In addition to classroom supplies and project funding, Mrs Emerson’s class will also receive a song writing session with Jake Gill via personal visit or Zoom video. Students will be able to select a topic of interest and together as a class, write a song that will be shared with their school and community. Jake believes that song writing can help stimulate the creative dimensions of a child and provide a healthy emotional environment of expression. “Song writing combines the therapeutic benefits of music with the creative release of bringing our thoughts to words. Today’s child is experiencing more stress and trauma on a daily basis, than in times before. To be able to express their thoughts and feelings in a healthy manner, is crucial to a thriving development.” Jake Gill, a 7-year member of the Country Music Association founded the CMTCI after a series of life changing events in the early spring of 2020. It is his hope that teachers and classrooms all over the world can benefit from this program. To support Mrs. Emerson and her classroom please visit her wish list: purchased will ship directly to her. If you would like to nominate a teacher to be a recipient of the CMTCI, please visit the website: or the Facebook group: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Carla Emerson
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Sara Nansel-Lantz to USD #489! She will be working at Hays High as a GPS Para. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Sara Nansel-Lantz
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Lauren Craig to USD #489! She will be teaching 2nd grade at Lincoln Elementary School! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Lauren Craig
New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Casey Wendel to USD #489! She is a School Psychologist who will serve O'Loughlin Elementary and LaCrosse as part of our Special Education Cooperative. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Casey Wendel
New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Grace Splichal to USD #489! She will be teaching Fine Arts at Hays High School. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Grace Splichal
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Nolta Swartzman to USD #489! She is going to be working in Nutrition Services at Hays High School!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Nolta Swartzman
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Olivia Herbel to USD #489! She will be a Classroom Aide at O'Loughlin Elementary. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Olivia Herbel
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Shelby Gottschalk Herl to USD #489!! She will be a Special Education Teacher at Hays Middle School. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Shelby Gottschalk Herl
New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Emily Buller to USD #489! She will be teaching Science at Hays Middle School! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Emily Buller
New Staff Campaign... Please welcome Aimee Goetz to USD #489! She will be a Special Education Teacher at Hays Middle School! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
over 4 years ago, District USD 489
Aimee Goetz