New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Christen Greving to USD #489! She will be a Special Education Teacher at HMS!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Christen Greving
New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Anne Dinkel to USD #489! She will be teaching at O'Loughlin Elementary!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Anne Dinkel
New Staff Campaign.. Please welcome Martha Becker to USD #489! She will be a Special Education Teacher at Early Childhood Connections! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Martha Becker
This week starts our New Staff Campaign!! You will be seeing pictures of our new staff here at USD #489!! Please welcome them..we are excited they are here and we are excited to share them with you! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
We're Glad You're Here
Backpacks!! Backpacks!! Backpacks! The amazing folks at First Call for Help have lots of backpacks filled with school supplies to give out TODAY! Any student in Ellis County....go get a backpack! Location: First Presbyterian Church at 2900 Hall Street Time: Until 1:00 pm TODAY only! Our community is amazing...thank the volunteers! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: One last photo from The Learning Center's graduation... Pictured is Rhiannon Cummin. She won our Outstanding Senior Scholarship endowed by and named the Aiden and Gabriela Schmidt Award. Rhiannon was selected as USD #489 Best of the Best in March 2019. She completed 37 concurrent credit hours before starting in the LPN program in Aug 2020 at NCK Tech. She has supported herself since the age of 17. She lives in Russel and drove back and forth 5 days a week to attend TLC. She earned both her CNA and her CMA while a student at TLC. She has worked 60 hours per week in two residential care homes since on campus classes were suspended in March 2020. Her Best of the Best bio was picked up by a nationwide internet channel called CNA Heroes. Rhiannon's story became a feature on one of the episodes. Rhiannon is the recipient of the Dane G Hansen Career and Tech Ed Scholarship. She is a bright and shining star. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
TLC graduate 8
Seen Around USD #489: Even more photos from The Learning Center graduation!! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
TLC graduate 5
TLC graduate 6
TLC graduate 7
Seen Around USD #489: The Learning Center has hit a on to learn all the details from our very own Sondra Hickert. On June 1, 2020, The Learning Center of Ellis County celebrated its 20th anniversary of operation in this region. In those 20 years, we have had close to 500 graduates and have helped to graduate a several thousand across Kansas. The Learning Center was part of the Rural Grant and was organized under the guidance of Former Assistant Superintendent for Special Services, Mark Hauptman. Former Superintendent, Fred Kaufman made the decision that The Learning Center would be district owned rather than operated by an Educational Service Center, as was common at the time. Mark Hauptman and Fred Kaufman chose Anita Schlegel as the first administrator of TLC. Her foundational principles still live on at TLC every day. The USD #489 BOE and district administration has been truly supportive of TLC the last two decades. On Saturday, Aug 1st, TLC set a record with 44 graduates for the 2019-20 school year. With over 100 in attendance at the outside ceremony, The Learning Center celebrated a first in 20 years. The Class of 2020 had 2 Dane G Hansen winners, 4 certificate completions through NCK Technical College and numerous other academic scholarships through FHSU. What a joy it was to celebrate them on Saturday. Thank you to all who attended. Huge thanks to Mark Rome who set up the chairs and tables for the event.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
TLC graduate photo
TLC graduate photo 2
TLC graduate photo 3
TLC graduate 4
Backpacks!!! Backpacks!! Don't forget to participate in this event! Don't forget to thank the folks that have worked so hard to make this amazing event happen! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Backpack Event
Enrollment Update: Parents that have not enrolled, our enrollment will be closing August 12th. If you need assistance please email #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: HMS New Student Orientation is happening right now!! Learning the hallways...finding lockers...answering questions! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
HMS Orientation
Nutrition Update:
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Meal information
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
USD #489 will be starting school on August 26th. We will get the calendar out as soon as possible. If you have not enrolled: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
If you would like to watch the Special BOE Meeting today at 11:30 am LIVE, you can click on the link attached: #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Enrollment Information: If you have additional questions...please email #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
8 Days of Awesome .. Our amazing teachers continue to build on their skills ... #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Learners learning
Teacher with Marie
8 Days of Awesome group
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Kyle Carlin.. What is your title? Director of Special Education How long have you been with the district? I’m starting my 6th year with the district On a typical day at work..what do you do? My typical day during the school year includes checking email, attending meetings, and reviewing reports in the morning. In the afternoon I get out to the buildings to visit classrooms and talk with teachers. Mixed in with all of that is planning and providing trainings for staff, interpreting new guidance, talking with parents, and hiring staff. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Saturday because I get to spend more time with my family. What is your favorite non-healthy food? Pizza If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Don’t be afraid to say yes to things you want to do. Travel bucket list…where would you go? I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. Describe yourself in three words… Family. Relationships. Organized. If you have a dream job…what is it? Astronaut. Do you make your bed every morning? Yes What is your favorite non-work activity? Playing games with my kids. Something random about you? I’m married and have two kids. I was in the Army Reserve for 8 years, where I was an optical lab specialist. Which is a wordy way to say I made glasses.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Kyle family
8 Days of Awesome...Continues.. Our teachers never stop learning because life never stops teaching. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
8 Days of Awesome
Learners Learning
Teachers keep learning!