Getting to Know USD #489 series... This series has been such a fun thing...we have received oodles of great comments! Hopefully you have learned a thing or two about our staff! This will be the last day that we run this don't miss the last few!! Learn a bit about Alyssa Dees... What is your title? 3rd Grade Teacher at Wilson Elementary How long have you been with the district? This coming Fall will mark 4 years for me. On a typical day at workā€¦ what do you do? I usually arrive at school around 7 am to turn on the lights, coffee pot, projector and document camera ā€“ coffee is important! I check over my email and schedule for the day, making any last minute adjustments. Then I gather my students and we begin our day together. I get to spend my days with what I think is the best age group! 8 and 9 year-olds are old enough to take on more independence and responsibility, and at the same time young enough that they can be convinced that whatever Iā€™m teaching is the neatest thing ever! What is your favorite day of the week and why? I like Thursdays. I look at what weā€™ve accomplished for the week and start preparing for the next week. I like making plans and thinking through fun ways to teach integrating technology into learning. What is your favorite non-healthy food? I love to cook and bake! So I love to make and eat pies, breads, cookies, angel food cakes, quick breads, etc. All from scratch! We even have a sourdough starter now so we bake bread without needing store-bought yeast. If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Buckle up and enjoy the ride! Itā€™s gonna get bumpy, but you can handle anything! You cannot control the wind. But you can adjust your sails! Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Tops on my list would be Turkey, Israel, Washington, DC, and a remote tropical island. My husband and I honeymooned in Oregon and Iā€™d love to go back again. Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ Big-hearted, coffee-loving, creative If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? Sounds clichĆ©, but I think I have it! If I have to pick something other than being a 3rd grade teacher, someday, Iā€™d like to be the one writing the curriculum. Do you make your bed every morning? Yes! Every day. What is your favorite non-work activity? Baking, camping, sailing, napping Something random about you? Before I was a classroom teacher, I worked in Christian Education for 10 years. My husband, Adam, is an attorney with Clinkscales Elder Law. We have two daughters. Kay will be a freshman at Hays High and Rachel will be a 3rd grader. We have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Simon. We love to go camping and sailing as often as we can. Iā€™m a big KU fan, but both my degrees are from ā€œpurple schoolsā€ ā€“ my Bachelorā€™s in Philosophy and Religious Studies with a minor in Christian Education is from Southwestern College and my Masterā€™s in Teaching is from K-State.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Alyssa Dees
Dees Family
Earlier today, Governor Kelly announced that she is delaying the start of school in Kansas until after Labor Day. We are unsure what this means for our school calendar. All Ellis County schools will continue to work together to develop plans for reopening schools. Enrollment is still open. Please complete your enrollment so we can make appropriate plans for the start of school and ensure appropriate resources can be arranged. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to navigate these challenges.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: 8 Day of Awesome... Teachers...always learning! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Teachers learning
8 Days of Awesome
Learners Learning
Enrollment Information!!! Online enrollment is open and available if you wish to enroll your children. Central Enrollment (in-person) will be held on July 29th from 7:00 am-5:30 pm and July 30th from 10:00 am -7:00 pm at Hays High School.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Seen Around USD #489: 8 Days of Awesome has started!!! This is a training that gives our teachers a chance to learn new skills...and build on what they already know. Teachers being help teach your learners! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
8 days photo
8 Days teachers
Teacher photo
Learners learning
Enrollment Update!! We are receiving many great questions about what the district plan will look like and when that information will be released, please know that our district has identified four priorities of focus for the 2020-2021 school year: ā— Promote Behaviors that Reduce Spread - Ensure health, well-being and safety of all students and staff ā— Maintain Healthy Environment - Maximize student academic growth and achievement ā— Maintain Healthy Operations - Assure operational viability ā— Prepare for When Someone Gets Sick - Provide supports to teachers and staff We will provide you with updates on plans within the next few weeks. We encourage you to enroll online, however if you are not able to complete the enrollment process online or are a new family, please plan to attend Central Enrollment. Families will have until the start of school to complete the enrollment process. Central Enrollment will be held at Hays High School on July 29th 7:00 am -5:30 pm and July 30th 10:00 am-7:00 pm.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Enrollment Update!!! Enrollment Update!! Online Enrollment will open 7/15 @ 10:00 am!!! More details will be provided in the next few days! This year the credit/debit card payment fee will be waived! USD 489 will plan to begin the school year onsite on August 13th. Due to COVID the option will be available for online/virtual learning for families, upon request. This can be indicated within the enrollment forms. Central Enrollment at Hays High will still take place for new families &/or those not able to access the online option. Please know that if you choose to come to onsite enrollment, you will be required to wear a face mask and limit 1 person per family. If you are feeling sick, please stay home. To be determined eligible for free & reduced payments, please fill out the annual application: Please check our website for additional information about enrollment... #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Jill Schaben.. What is your title? Student Secretary/Attendance How long have you been with the district? I just completed my 15th year (14 years as the HHS Athletic Secretary, 1 year in current position) On a typical day at work..what do you do? In short, my job is to check attendance each hour and make sure all of the students are accounted for. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Saturday, because I usually get to spend time with my family and be outside. What is your favorite non-healthy food? Brownies, ice cream, cookies (pretty much any dessert except cake) If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? RELAX and to live out the Serenity Prayer -- "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Ireland Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ Trustworthy, Hard-working, Sincere If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? Professional singer. Unfortunately, I sound bad even in the shower so I do not see this job in my future. Do you make your bed every morning? No, I would but I am afraid my husband would not be able to breathe under all of the pillows and covers! What is your favorite non-work activity? Going to the lake, building something or almost any outdoor activity Something random about you? My husband and I have two beautiful daughters and a new son-in-law. Alexis is in grad school at FHSU (where Travis and I both graduated from) and Kaitlyn will be a junior at K-State.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Jill Schaben & family
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Staci Straub.. What is your title? I am a 3rd grade teacher at Roosevelt How long have you been with the district? 18 years On a typical day at work..what do you do? Make sure my students feel safe and know they are loved. I work hard everyday to not only teach the curriculum, but also the values of being a good person and doing the right thing. There is so much more to teaching than reading, writing, and math. I want my students to feel and become successful!! What is your favorite day of the week and why? Right now, all the days are a blur. but when Iā€™m in school mode, Fridays are my favorite. My students are ready for the weekend just as much as I am. What is your favorite non-healthy food? Chinese food If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Donā€™t sweat the small stuff!! Relax and enjoy the bumpy ride. Itā€™s the bumps that make life exciting. Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Hawaii Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ dedicated, passionate, loving If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? Iā€™ve always wanted to be a teacher. If I had to do something else, I would want to be a Real Estate Agent. Do you make your bed every morning? Nope, depends on my mood What is your favorite non-work activity? Spending time with my family or reading a good book! 12. Something random about you? (Spouse, kids, pets, random tidbit) I have been married for 29 years and have 2 adult sons. I have 4 grandchildren that are my world. I am lucky enough for us all to live in Russell.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Staci Straub
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Arielle Simpson.. What is your title? Health & Nutrition Coordinator at Early Childhood Connections How long have you been with the district? 3 years On a typical day at work, what do you do? Oh goodnessā€¦every day is so unpredictable! I am the school nurse, so I take care of LOTS of ouchies & apply LOTS of bandaids! On a REALLY fun day, I get to go to the infant room, rock babies and love on the little ones šŸ˜Š What is your favorite day of the week and why? Sunday Funday!! I get to be with my family and ā€˜fill my cupā€™ up for the week ahead ā¤ What is your favorite non-healthy food? I love pizzaā€¦A LOT!! If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Worry lessā€¦Trust yourselfā€¦Love yourselfā€¦& Forget what others think about you. Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Ireland is #1 Israel & the Taj Mahal are a close 2nd Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ Compassionateā€¦Outgoingā€¦Patient If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? I love being a nurse, but when Iā€™m old and crazyā€¦I would LOVE to deliver flowers!! I think it would be SO MUCH FUN to bring smiles to those who are least expecting it šŸ˜Š Do you make your bed every morning? Nope What is your favorite non-work activity? I love traveling. It doesnā€™t matter WHERE I go, I just love the adventure that awaits! Something random about you? I have been married for 12 years to Jed & we have 2 adorable little girls, Piper & Emme. We have 3 chickens (Figaro, Chickoletta, & Spiritā€¦named by Emme!) and we LOVE to go on adventures!! Our life is crazy but we wouldnā€™t have it any other way. ā¤
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Arielle Simspon
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Janell Beilman.. What is your title? 5th grade teacher at Wilson Elementary How long have you been with the district? 31 years On a typical day at work..what do you do? I arrive around 6:45 and make sure I have everything ready for the day. Once the kids arrive it is nonstop activity, teaching and practicing math concepts, monitoring science investigations and using technology to enhance learning whenever possible. Throw in recess duties and attending meetings and the time flies. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Friday, of course. It is spirit day at Wilson and everyone is eagerly anticipating the start of the weekend! What is your favorite non-healthy food? A bacon cheeseburger. Yum! If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Don't worry about what other people think. Be yourself. The only person you have to prove anything to is you. Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? The island of Bora, Bora would be wonderful. (really anywhere with a beach will do). Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ organized, authentic and dependable If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? My earliest memories from my childhood are of me pretending to be a teacher. So I guess you could say I am doing what I've always dreamed of doing. But, if I had to pick something else it would be something creative like a graphic designer. Do you make your bed every morning? Yes I do. That is part of being organized! What is your favorite non-work activity? I enjoy exercising at The Center, spending time with family, traveling and cooking. Something random about you? (Spouse, kids, pets, random tidbit) My husband, Chris, and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary on June 30. I enjoy being a mom to our daughter Kaycee and our son Kaden. Both are currently living in the Kansas City area. I am also mom to a 1 1/2 year old miniature Australian Shepherd that has me wrapped around her furry little paw.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Janell Beilman and family
Message Concerning Face Coverings The Ellis County Schools COVID Advisory Group is working diligently to provide guidance regarding the Governors recent executive order. Ellis County schools have and will continue to work closely with public health officials to ensure the safety of students, families, and staff. Details of the executive order will be released later this week. Early next week the Advisory Group will meet with Ellis County health officials to provide updated procedures and/or requirements for summer programs. Until that time, please continue to follow all current district guidance - wash hands frequently, practice social distancing, and stay home if you are sick.
about 4 years ago, Ron Wilson
Please see attached Press Release regarding the upcoming school year.
about 4 years ago, USD 489
Press Release
Getting to Know USD #489 series.. Learn a bit about Jessica Augustine.. What is your title at USD #489? Journalism Instructor at Hays High School How long have you been with our district? One year in USD 489 (but 18th year teaching overall!) What is your favorite not-healthy food? Bacon? But, bacon is healthy, right? šŸ˜Š If you had to use one color of crayon for the rest of your life, what color would it be? And, why? Although it sounds odd, I would choose black, as it is comprised of all colors. I tend to be very accepting and non-judgmental, and I want my students (and others) to feel included. What is your favorite thing about working for USD #489? Honestly, there are so many things ā€“ my role, the students, the staff, the administration, the campus, and the activities. On a typical day at workā€¦.what do you do? In the classroom, I normally get to work at 7:15 a.m., respond to emails, prepare for classes and talk to students who come in. From there, I teach my classes (21st Century Journalism, Newspaper, Photo Imaging, Web Design, and Yearbook), depending on if it is a Maroon or Gold day; in class, I like to begin with a Question of the Day, so that I hear from each student, then I start the lesson or the project of the day. During my plan time and every other free minute, I develop lesson plans, create learning resources, assess student work, edit newspaper or yearbook copy, critique newspaper or yearbook layouts, manage newspaper and yearbook ad sales, maintain the website, take needed photos, prepare for contests, complete required tasks, etc.; I try to use every possible moment at work to work! Describe yourself in 3 words. Dedicated, Logical, Particular (for adjectives) or Dog-Mom, Family, and Learner (for three nouns) What is your favorite non-work activity? I enjoy spending time with family and friends, of course; I love collecting and reading cookbooks; and I like staying active, especially doing water aerobics or swimming in the summer, taking the dogs on walks in the fall or spring, and doing yoga year round. Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go if you could anywhere? A warm beach to relax, or a historical area to learn. Random facts about yourself? I have four dogs ā€“ one nine-year-old Rat Terrier named Max Puppy, one five-year-old Miniature Pinscher named Mini Dog, and two six-month-old German Shorthair Pointers named Lexi Boo and Sadi Bug!
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Jessica Augustine
Getting to Know USD #489 series.. Learn a bit about Aubrey Woolf.. What is your title? Head Start 3-5 Teacher How long have you been with the district? Going into year 4 On a typical day at work..what do you do? Hang out with some pretty crazy, silly, and totally awesome kids and work on some added paperwork here and there. What is your favorite day of the week and why? This will sound crazy - Monday. It's a chance to start new and begin a good structured week. What is your favorite non-healthy food? Chips and Salsa If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Take time to learn more about other people and why their differences make them important Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Iceland Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ Dedicated, open-minded, joyful If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? Broadway Performer Do you make your bed every morning? No What is your favorite non-work activity? Playing games with my family Something random about you? My spouse, siblings, parents, and paternal grandparents all attended FHSU.
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Aubrey Woolf
Gracias a nuestra maravillosa personal de Servicios de NutriciĆ³n y una subvenciĆ³n de alimentando a niƱos de KS podemos continuar con el servicio de comidas del 29 de junio al 23 de julio! Los desayunos y almuerzos para llevar se continuarĆ”n sirviendo solo la preparatoria de Hays High de 11:30 a 12:30, de lunes a jueves. Estas comidas GRATUITAS estĆ”n disponibles para todos los niƱos menores de 18 aƱos. Ā”Esperamos servirle 4 semanas mĆ”s!
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Spanish Version of Menu
Spanish Version of Notice
Nutrition Services Update... Thanks to our wonderful Nutrition Services staff and a grant from Feeding KS Kids, we are able to continue meal service June 29th through July 23rd! Drive-thru breakfasts and lunches will continue to be served at Hays High School only, 11:30-12:30, Monday through Thursday. These FREE meals are available for all children 18 and under. We look forward to serving you 4 more weeks! #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Nutrition Announcement
Getting to Know USD #489 series... Learn a bit about Scott Summers.. What is your title? Director of Technology How long have you been with the district? 5 years with USD 489 and 11 years total in K-12 IT On a typical day at work..what do you do? A typical day starts with checking to make sure all the blinking lights are still blinking - always a good start to the day in IT! My role as the Director after that involves a lot of meetings, research, or planning for projects. I still like to be a hands-on director, so youā€™ll actually catch me out and about some days working on tickets, because I donā€™t like spending my whole day behind my desk. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Thursday! Itā€™s far enough into the week that I can look back and say Iā€™ve accomplished a lot during the week; however, on the flip side it does give me one more day after to get something done before the weekend. Bonus reason for Thursday: on the 4 day work week in the summer, itā€™s actually Friday! What is your favorite non-healthy food? Crunchy Cheetos If you had the chance to tell your 13-year-old self anything, what would that be? Enjoy the ride, because high school and college will pass by before you know what happened! Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? Iā€™d like to travel the coasts and definitely make it to Alaska or Hawaii at some point! Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ Comical, Optimistic, Friendly If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? I know everyone says ā€œIā€™m in it right now,ā€ but thatā€™s the truth! I canā€™t say that I have any one day that is the same from one to the next. This job keeps me on my toes with the fantastic department I work with as well a district full of dedicated staff to interact with each day! Do you make your bed every morning? Sadly not every day! Maybe thatā€™s a goal to work on. What is your favorite non-work activity? Itā€™s a toss up between golf and underwater basket weaving, but Iā€™d probably say golf! Something random about you? (Spouse, kids, pets, random tidbit) My beautiful wife Rebecca (4th grade teacher at Wilson) and I are expecting our firstborn in September! Iā€™m also a twin, and we havenā€™t figured out which one is the evil one yet!
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Scott Summers
Getting to Know USD #489 series.. Learn a bit about Heidi Harper-Wamser.. What is your title? Kindergarten teacher How long have you been with the district? 20 years On a typical day at work..what do you do? Oh gosh..what donā€™t we do? First and foremost, we love, nurture, and open minds of little people. We are sometimes momma (or grandma šŸ˜³šŸ˜‰) for the day, nurse, counselor, janitor, and so many other important titles during each day! What is your favorite day of the week and why? Friday funday in my classroom, but Saturday or Sunday with my family 5. What is your favorite non-healthy food? Chocolate almond Ice cream If you had the chance to tell your 13 year old self something, what would that be? Listen to your parents! Theyā€™ve been through ALL ā€œthe thingsā€. They probably know what theyā€™re talking about. I would also say...ā€listen when people tell you that you should be a teacherā€! Travel bucket listā€¦where would you go? New Zealand/Australia, Greece or Maldives Describe yourself in three wordsā€¦ energetic, compassionate, loving If you have a dream jobā€¦what is it? What do you mean?...Iā€™m living it! But if I had to choose a different one, it would be princess Jasmine or princess Ariel at DisneyWorld (singing included)! Do you make your bed every morning? Yes, I would, but I go workout at 5am, so my husband is the last in bed. Whomever is in it last, makes it!šŸ˜Š Something random about you? I have a public relations/communications degree that I graduated with first....because I didnā€™t want to do what everyone told me I needed to do! Remember question #6? My 18 year old self REALLY shouldā€™ve listened also!šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
about 4 years ago, District USD 489
Heidi Harper-Wamser & Family
---2020-2021 District Calendar-- The district calendar was approved and can be accessed below. Please note that the first day of school has changed from what was previously published. #EveryStudentEveryDay489
about 4 years ago, District USD 489